- isn't that a marvelous word? It's right up there with "transform" and "connect" on my list of favorite verbs.
As we embark on the new year I hear people say "this year I'm going to work more ON my business not IN my business" and "this is my year to work ON me" and "this year I'm going to work on being more..." and even I refer to my best clients as the ones who come to me ready to "do the work." Clearly we believe that transformations happen because we work to make them possible.
So am I saying we can enjoy every moment - maybe not. I'm probably never going to enjoy some tasks but I still experience joy in the outcomes. And that joy lights my fire and powers my action which leads to outcomes.
So why do we focus on the work? Why don't we focus instead on the joy that effort produces?
I have repeatedly seen that people who focus on the joy in the outcome rather than the task or the goal consistently transform themselves and their businesses. Ask them if it was work and they'll likely say "sure it took EFFORT - but it brought me a lot of joy."
So I can bet you want to know how.... Let me give you an example. In my last post I shared MY Joy List.
In 2010 I will...
- Make more people smile
- Plant more roses
- Take more walks
- Play more music
- Reach more clients
- Be more aware of the transformations that happen every minute of every day
It's pretty clear that "reach more clients" is an outcome that can transform my business. And since I"m a "transformation agent" being more aware of transformations also has a huge impact on my ability to open those paths to clients as well.
But what about "make more people smile?" Isn't that just a "random act of kindness" kind of thing?
Well, I don't think of making people smile as a business strategy, BUT I do have business strategies that bring me joy because they make people smile. Let me share one that the author's of The Go-Giver just shared for the new year.
I have so many true Go-Givers in my life and I'll bet you do to. They smile when I tell them how much I appreciate that they live those principles but they smile even bigger and longer when I recognize their Go-Giver nature to the world. With The Go-Giver Award I can do just that - make someone smile every single day AND let the world know how much I appreciate them in my life.
How is that a business strategy? Let's look at the hard-nosed pragmatic side. Since I am certified to coach on The Go-Giver and I speak and do workshops on the 5 Laws, anything that makes people more aware of the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success increases my worth and credibility. Since authors Bob Burg and John David Mann are great friends and huge proponents of my efforts helping them helps me. Shoot, the web page even has the first chapter to the NEW Go-Giver book, Go-Givers Sell More and I am actually featured (as are many of my friends) in that book. So is it a sound promotional strategy? You bet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.... Truth is there are a lot of things I could put on my to-do list that would achieve all that and maybe more. But I know I'll DO this - because imagining the smile on the face of the recipient brings me so much joy I'd do it even if I weren't so closely tied to the book.
Being able to easily download this certificate and share it through social media lets me implement all 5 Laws at once - because it does add value, it reaches many people, it serves others interests, it's totally authentic and I'm open to receiving whatever comes to me as a result because I know one thing - people WILL smile. How could anyone who really is using those 5 Laws in their life and business receive recognition like this and it not bring a smile to their face?

It is only fitting that the first of my Go-Giver awards goes out to my good friend and colleague, sales trainer, Yellow-Tie founder, author and idea man extraordinare - Gill Wager.
It was Gill who gave me my first copy of The Go-Giver, who first introduced me to the authors, who founded the Business Development Association, Yellow-Tie International on the very principles in the book, and who is a shining example of what it means to BE a Go-Giver!
Gill, you inspire me daily - it gives me tremendous JOY to have this opportunity to acknowledge everything you do for me and for everyone whose lives you touch!
And THAT, as The Go-Giver co-author Bob Burg says in his keynote, is "not only a nice way to live life but a very profitable one as well."
(kudos also to Thom Scott and Cesar Abeug for the concept and design of the award and the web site and to Kathy Zader for implementation.)
So appropriate for Gill to receive this recognition, Dixie. There are VERY few people you meet in life who consistently looking for ways to help people. Gill is one of those who embodies the Go-Giver philosophy and encourages so many other people. He is such a joy to be around because of it.
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate you to receive it tomorrow as you are one of those few people who do the same! Thank you for sharing, for putting that smile on my face, and helping me find joy in what I am doing. Your Go-Giver approach to life is helping many people reach the stratosphere!
Dixie, I agree with gaz 100 percent about both Gill and you. What blessings the two of you have been to my life and to the lives of many, many others.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your article which so generously features John David Mann's and my book and the award that book-promotion genious Thom Scott created (and, as you so kindly mentioned, Cesar Abueg and Kathy Zader implemented).
I wish you the very best in 2010 and beyond and look forward to sharing many more years of friendship and business.